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More than ever, the world is rallying behind the need to transition to a carbon-free future. RAP is catalyzing real change.

We Are Rap

Your Experts In Policy Innovation and Change.

Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)® is an independent, global NGO advancing policy innovation and thought leadership within the energy community. Our network serves as a powerful partner to help you navigate the new energy landscape and implement future-proof solutions to reach a healthy, sustainable future.

澳洲幸运10官网开奖 WHAT WE DO

RAP is your partner in planning a future of safe, clean and reliable power.

RAP experts help you navigate the complex work of clean energy policy creation and negotiation. The challenge of a carbon-free future is daunting and decarbonizing our economies requires a holistic approach to meeting energy needs. RAP is there as you consider a full range of scenarios, shifts in technology, market dynamics and policy ambitions to craft equitable solutions.

We focus on five key policy areas that will help drive a more efficient clean energy future. Explore our initiatives:


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As the world transitions into a clean energy future, barriers to effective change continue to surface. No one solution will surmount these obstacles; what may be practical in one location may not be applicable in another. RAP’s experts understand the unique nuances of different markets and share proven efforts for your consideration.

RAP advisors can help you create reliable and adaptable solutions, just as we have done in the world’s largest power markets — leading to durable change across the world.

Explore RAP’s regions of work

“Supporting government to better serve communities of color, indigenous communities, and low-and moderate-income communities is critical to RAP’s work. Hearing from and consulting with marginalized communities isn’t just a matter of equitable inclusion — it’s essential to protecting the public interest and securing the nation’s energy future.”

David Farnsworth
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